Monday, June 10, 2024

I started seriously building my Troll clan because doing so was 180 degrees opposite what I was doing and dealing with as a social worker,,, and I now have so many I have to rotate my displays. Talk about a hoard of Trolls. After I retired I use my clan to entertain grandkids and kids in the neighborhood. I always take one or 2 to church to show our kids after the meetings. I also write stories for each of my grandkids on their birthdays until they are 16 and I give them a troll or 2 with each one. It is a fun thing to do and with all the material on troll myth and legend I've researched I am a MASTER TROLLOLOGIST and I share tons of stuff.. like that hair article on my site and like with the hair article on several sites..If a person want to write troll stories or just tell them.. (I do both) they can benefit a ton by reading what I post..

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Christmas Charlie and the Robot Toy Factory


The Miracle of the Lingonberries

As Reported By

Grandpa Martin

Circa November 1842 to May 1843

'REPORTER'S note: As usual I am translating Troll-speak as best I can to Human-speak and interpreting times and seasons as best I can, based on natural patterns of both nature and Trolls.

Nibbler the Troll skuttled quickly down the steep winding trail that lead to the slim arm of one of Norway's many fjords. In his left hand he clung to the biggest basket he had full over the brim with plump ripe Lingonberries. With his right hand he deftly took hold of each crag and jut the shear rock face offered to help him keep his precious cargo from falling into the chasm below.

Suddenly the trail took a sharp “V” cutback at a slightly steeper slant. In an instant the basket was on his right arm without the loss of a single berry. His left hand all but crushed a well worn stone post that had been fashioned untold years (or even centuris) before, as his large feet found purchase on the narrowing path as they continued their excited advance.

Twice more the basket changed sides until finally the trail leveled as he entered a heroic cluster of trees that rose up from the fjord several hundred feet below. He slowed slightly still guarding his treasure like a miser guards his gold. After almost twenty yards the path split with the lower path taking a still steep but much gentler course down to the water. The higher path climbed a few feet, bent right and revealed a cave entrance just tall enough for Nibbler to enter at his current size of six feet tall. Once inside he carefully set the basket on the entryway table which filled about half it's width and ambled happily another dozen feet to his main living chamber.

Already the 'tartishly' sweet scent of the berries began to waft down the hall as he drank deeply from the natural spring that burgled softly near the outer edge of the room. Smiling he inhaled deeply letting his sensitive nose drink in the aromas of home now garnished with the savory smell of Lingonberries. Adjusting his height to just four feet, he walked back out of the cave grabbing just three berries as he passed and popped them into his mouth. Outside he savored the moist taste before opening his mouth to make a low, piercing growl that let anyone around know who was home and where. Around him, the air was growing chill as night began to settle in. By midnight, he knew the sky above him would dance with color but tonight he would not stay up. Instead, he waited a couple of minutes for a reply and hearing nothing re-entered his home, popped three more berries in his mouth and carried in the rest. Moments later the basket sat in the perfect spot to insure their preservation. Nibbler ate three more berries and in short order he was fast asleep on a pile of furs neatly arranged in a Troll carved sleep alcove, A small warming fire flickering nearby and the barely rekindled cooking fire gave the grotto a pleasant temperature that brought his immediate slumber.

Nibbler awoke, stretched and after a moment arose and went outside, The area was still engulfed in shadows which would last most of the day this time of year. This suited the young Troll just fine. He figured morning was on the wane but, like most of his kind, time only mattered when it had to and today it did not have to.

A few minutes later he was back in his cave, relieved and eager to fill his stomach as he had not eaten much before going to sleep. His stomach also knew this and growled resentfully because of the neglect. Nibbler gave it a gentle pat and immediately stoked the cooking fire over which hung a large brewing pot still half full of the stew and goop he had left in it two weeks ago when he'd gone on his excursion.

Within a short time the thick mass began to bubble releasing the smells of age into the chamber. Nibbler inhaled deeply savoring the scent before adding some 'fresh' ingredients. A bit later he sprinkled in a small amount of powder from a bag he kept in a pouch he always wore around his neck. Almost instantly the smells became more 'pleasing' (in a human sense) telling him it was time for his final ingredient, three slightly dried berries from the last basket he had brought in. When the stew was fully bubbling the magic was done and three full bowls later Nibbler stretched out and took a nap.

It was near midnight, by the Troll's reckoning, when he went out into the crisp open air. He had chosen to wear a light hide wrap which kept him warm as he ambled down to the water's edge, fishing rod in hand. Nibbler loved fish and no part of any fish caught ever went to waste for such is the nature of Trolls in general, but for Nibbler if he did not eat it the remains fertilized the small garden hidden amongst the trees below his home.

With a contented sigh Nibbler stepped out onto a massive flat rock that poked out jaw like from the mountain. This was the best fishing spot in the area because several yards down the rock curved back to the shore giving a natural calm area directly below. Above him the Lights of the North danced obscured briefly by high drifting clouds that foretold of a storm to come as he dropped his baited hook and long line into the water. As he released the line he muttered a few words of gratitude to the worm stopping when it hit the dark water and disappeared below the surface.

Unexpectedly the water's surface caught a bright dot that was not part of Mother Earth's show. Instantly he looked up and watched what looked like a shooting star sprint across the sky, only this one was much lower than any he had ever seen. It was also going slower, as if it were trying to halt it's rapid decent. The efforts did not seem to be working as the shooting star sped over head out of sight.

Nibbler shrugged and pulled in the fish that had taken his bait moments after the hook dropped below the rock outcropping. As he re-baited the hook the streak appeared again, this time going the opposite direction Somehow he could tell that the object was definitely going slightly slower but he had no idea why. Intrigued, he set the pole down and watched the dot as it disappeared again only to appear moments later lower and this time obviously slower. The traverse was now accompanied by a whistling whine like the strong wind on a taut gut line as it neared the perfect tension of dryness.

The thing seemed to shimmer even in the aurora and decelerated until it hoovered at a stand still all but cloaked by dancing lights above.

Nibbler stood transfixed. Nothing in his seventy-three winters could explain this phenomenon so he watched mesmerized, memorizing all he could.

A loud hiss from the thing startled him. He watched in awe as a smaller dot of light shot away from the big light he had been watching. As soon as the smaller dot was away the bigger dot shot upward faster than anything he could imagine. In a heartbeat it was out of sight. The smaller light began to drift down but as Nibbler focused on it in the sky far above, the aurora flashed for an instant giving the area a daylight ambiance. When Nibbler could focus he was very glad he had not turned to stone in the flash.

Blinking he scanned the sky but was unable to locate the smaller dot. Shaking his head, he picked up his pole and returned to his fishing no longer worried about anything in his small parcel of the world.

He had no sooner dropped his hook in the water when he looked up and noticed something, a slight sparkle above the water as if something dark was reflecting the greenish flickering of the now quieting light show.

“Guess you could not compete with that strange show.” he said looking up. “But it was very nice. Thank you.”

The Northern Lights seemed to acknowledge his thanks with one last long green streak flashing across the sky leaving nothing but stars in it's wake.

Nibbler turned his attention to the fjord and whatever it was that now floated in the water about fifty yards almost directly across from him. He was startled as the line jerked almost pulling the rod from his inattentive hands. He reacted instinctively and whipped the pole upward and back pulling the fish out of the water, flipping it back to where it landed almost exactly beside the other fish which was staying fresh in a small puddle several yards from the shore. Without looking back his attention was drawn to a soft hum and water splashing in an unnatural way. He watched, intrigued, as a tall, conical shaped object approached hovering a few inches above the water. Cautiously he faded into the deeper shadows where he felt a lot more comfortable indulging his curiosity.

The 'cone' had a row of twinkling lights just above the waterline and another about a foot's height above it. Nibbler counted a total of six rows which twinkled or sparkled in a random pattern as the object approached the rock where the Troll had stood. Just before it touched the stone it paused and rose up slowly then continued forward until about two thirds of the thing was over 'dry' ground. It made only a small clink as it sat down and the lights went out.

The hum continued for several moments then was gone before Nibbler realized it. Around them the night sounds and feeling returned seemingly unimpressed by the unexpected events. The Troll remained stone still both curious and concerned about this strange thing in his 'front yard'. For now, though, he was content to just wait and watch.

He did not have to wait long for only a few moments after the hum stopped part of the cone lifted silently outward spilling a dim yellow light into the area revealing, quite inconveniently, his hiding spot.

Within the light, Nibbler saw a creature with a bear like form or shape standing much to comfortably on it's hind legs. It had tan-ish fur that was tough and wiry except around the belly which seemed to be shaved bare. As his eyes traced the body upward it became even more apparent that this was not a normal bear. First, the eyes were large and blue and on top of it's head was a big troll like shock of yellow hair with a thick blue center stripe. It also appeared to be smiling. To Nibbler it looked more like a giant toy bear, like he had seen in human towns when he'd gone exploring, than the brown bears he'd actually seen in the region.

For a moment the visitor stood looking around until it spotted Nibbler who had shrunk down to about two foot in size and slid back into the shadows. To his surprise nothing happened so Nibbler stepped out from concealment and looked cautiously around. To his utter amazement there was no sign of the 'sky bear', as he had dubbed it, and it's 'egg' stood dark and silent, the only sound was the gentle lapping of the water and a soft rustle of the trees in the breeze.

Nibbler was just about to step into the open when into the dim moonlight lurched the bear but also in a much smaller form.

The creature growled a word that sounded much like 'help' in perfect Troll speak. It's blue eyes were wide and it looked frightened as it froze in place, wavered slightly and fell forward onto the stony ground.

The surprised Troll blinked several times as he looked frantically around. The yellow and blue haired 'bear' did not move and Nibbler noticed that it also had a bright yellow tail that almost copied the hair atop the head. In seconds the Troll was once again four feet tall and though the magical change of size drained him of much of his energy, he scooped up the ailing thing and rushed up and into his cave.

Once inside he placed his 'tiny' charge on the entry table and built a comfortable 'bed' out of one of his furs. He was careful to see that it was not a bear skin. When he was sure the 'bear' was secure he examined it and found no open wounds or reasons why the 'sky bear' was not awake. He poured a little water in the mouth and was sure the creature swallowed at least a little. He also put a small bowl of meat next to it hoping the smell might arouse it.

For three days Nibbler watched the bear, changing the meat and giving it water from time to time and he noted that each time his guest seemed to take in a little more. His other treatment was to squeeze the juice of two then three of the berries into the 'bear's mouth. He knew that for Trolls Lingonberries had special medical properties and he had heard that for humans they could help stop simple coughs.

On the fourth morning Nibbler awoke to find that the bear was now four feet tall and it's eyes were moving as if it were struggling to keep them shut.

“You are safe friend bear. Your egg or boat is where it was. You must eat. It has been four sunsets you have not been awake. I am called Nibbler.”

A low growl rumbled from the bear as the eyes slowly opened. For several moments the blue eyes just stared at the Troll.

“Fooood.” it intoned finally again in Troll speak. The voice was higher and less ursine than he expected. “Much food.. friend Nibbler.”

Within minutes Nibbler had a large bowl of stew and two large fish on the table. The Bear ate and ate until most of the food was gone.

“I'm Gizley, Scout 21 for the Bearosine Exploration Team.” she said after a few moments silence. “We are part of the Traw Union.”

Nibbler looked and felt very puzzled yet somehow he knew that Gizley was a female.

“I come from the stars.” said Gizley as if that explained everything. “Beyond the sky.”

“Okay...Why?” was all Nibbler could ask as he accepted what he could not understand or deny. .

Nibbler was a fairly smart Troll but after almost an hour of listening to Gizley try to explain space travel, civilization enhancement, transport and landing ships, malfunctioning sub processors, failed emergency locator beacons and her long term assignment (five to ten years), he shook his head and held up his hand.

“You are here. You want to help. You come from another world. Good. I am glad to help. What is next for you?” concluded Nibbler.

Gizley straightened her back and cocked her head as her eyes furrowed in thought.

“I think we eat and hide your... um landing egg'.” he said not even trying to hide a yawn. Then we look and talk plans.

It took a week for Gizley to finally give up hope on being able to repair her pod. Everything seemed as it should be but she was no ship tech so she knew of no way to fix any of it.

For the next three days Nibbler began to teach the alien bear about his world. After moving the landing pod into the woods and concealing it, he took Gizley up the path to the top of the gorge and began to help her orient herself to the area. He told her of humans and other groups like Elves and Gnomes that lived in the region. He also explained that Humans, for the most part saw Trolls and the other races as imaginary because humans were unable to see them. He talked about Trolls and how they did not need or want much more than they had and how they found purpose in protecting and healing the land and the damage caused by the carelessness of others. Nibbler did his best to explain other groups and did a good job except when he tried to describe the humans with whom he had not had much interaction. He could not seem to point out adequately the troubles this species caused everyone else and the world they lived on.
Gizley listened intently and asked a few questions, spent some hours in her pod, as she called it, and helped Nibbler with what he needed to do as the next week passed quietly by.

One day, to show what she could or rather was assigned to do, she helped him put running water into his cave so he did not have to leave to fetch it. This process took half a day and involved beams of light and tubes of refined ore she called pipes. They ate most meals together and Gizley took samples of his powders and two berries with her to her pod.

It was on the first day of the third week that Nibbler sensed the approach of another Troll coming down the mountain side toward his home. The 'stone' told him it was a friend. He was glad he already had 4 nice sized fish for dinner, two on a small fire just outside his cave and two freshly laid out, still raw, for Gizley. So with a slight sense of urgency unusual to his fishing time, he cast in his line and by the time the visitor stepped out of he woods, Nibbler had two more fish almost fully roasted.

Roots and dried apples made up the rest of the meal which was ready to eat as a five foot tall almost elfish looking trolls walked up and sat down on a stone near the fire.

The three ate in silence for several minutes. If Char were at all surprised by the presence of an eight-foot bear with shocks of yellow fur on it's head and tail he did not show so much as a raised eyebrow. When they were finished Nibbler introduced the two and the rest of the night was spent talking.

Char, or Charlie, worked with one of the most famous Trolls in the world, Father Troll. It was this ageless Troll who oversaw all the Santa type workers that served Trolldom and beyond. Without Father Troll and his special Yule Magic, modern Trolls and some other so called 'children of myth' would not be as teachable and learned as they are. It had been Charlie who had accidentally ended up at Christmas City or Claussville as humans sometimes called it, and discovered the concoction called Peppermint Hot Cocoa while at the North Pole. It was for this reason that Charlie, who is known by Santa's Elfs as 'Christmas Charlie', was visiting his isolated friend, to bring him a fresh supply of the powdery mix for the upcoming Yule/Christmas season. It was this brew that, almost by itself, transformed the Troll species, as a whole, from the terrifying and hideous creatures of yore to the more elfish looking Trolls seen by Humans and others. In fact, the more of the beverage a Troll drank the more 'cute' he or she became. It had also turned some Trolls hair to brighter and wilder colors. When Charlie first met Nibbler the Troll was round and gruff with a very wide nose and large pointed ears. He also had brown eyes. As they sat across the fire it was apparent that Nibbler had drank a lot of the hot, tasty substance. The host now had chubby cheeks, big pointed ears and large blue eyes. The only thing Nibbler lacked was hair. He was one of the few Trolls Charlie knew that was bald and mostly hairless. In fact Nibbler's head spouted a dome-ish crown that rose three or four inches (when Nibbler was at his usual seven/eight foot height) above the ears.

As the big pot of water began to boil, Nibbler having placed it on the fire shortly after they had finished eating. Charlie handed his burgeoning pack to his friend who promptly opened it and skillfully added the crushed candy cane loaded powder inside, to the water in perfect proportions.

Gizley watched, fascinated. Seems the concept of drinking hot powder filled liquid was new to her. Nibbler had brought a large wooden bowl from which she could lap the drink, as was her way, but after a moment went back in and brought our a much smaller bowl so she could give it a taste and not waste any if she did not like the taste or idea. But after some sniffing and tongue touching and an actual sip (which drained the small bowl) she announced that she adored it and wanted much more. She drained two large bowls while each Troll finished three of their mugs. Then they all closed their eyes and let the night take them in.

The next day and the day after that were filled with tales and explanations and more. Her world, it seemed, had sent her, and eleven others, out in 'one Bearosine' craft full of things they hoped would benefit some backward planet somewhere in space. They thought that having one large ship approach would scare the primitives so they chose to approach by stealth.

Each 'contact craft' was launched from the Home Cave (aka Ship) with a set of programmed coordinates that took the craft to the intended target with a predetermined landing site. Gizley explained her journey down did not go exactly as planned. In transit, as instructed, she reviewed the data submitted by the scout team that had scanned the planet the previous year. She already knew the basic tech level and psycho-social development level of the 'three major' (size and habitation wise) intelligent species of the planet so she focused on the group that had been chosen, the Humans. She told the Trolls that she would have chosen the Trolls first and then the Humans, because even though the humans were on the cusp of an industrial revolution they were growing increasingly violent and divided and she was afraid their world would explode into conflict sooner than later. The Trolls, on the the other hand, kept a low profile and were growing more peaceful over the last few years. The third group was aquatic and would be harder to communicate and work with directly. Still she was to leave items in the water that would help them once discovered. Those items had been lost with her landing craft.

When it seemed she wanted to stop the very curious Charlie pressed her with a couple of questions. She confessed that her superiors had not taken a whole lot of time to train the 'contact being' in the details of space travel and landing relying, instead, on things called computers and automations to bring the 'enlightener' down safely. Gizley tried to keep her explanations simple and vague but ended up telling the persuasive Charlie more than she planned.

She told him how her landing craft had very unexpectedly developed problems shortly after the Mother ship was out of range having left quickly to avoid panic by the people. She lost communication and as the small craft got closer more things went wrong. She began tossing things into the life boat, as she called it, and then set the craft out into space as she came down to the planet. She said things inside the escape pod told her landing craft was gone and she was only a little surprised when Nibbler told her he has seen a bright flash high in the sky.

Gizley knew the two trolls did not understand all the things she had told them but she also explained that someday, when her visit was over, they would. She told them she was stuck there on Earth until the big ship came back in five years.

Charlie asked if her friends would know she had trouble and she said that it was their custom to go by the original plan and timetable no matter what. She now had to find a way to do her job with a small part of her tools and far away from her planned landing point near the humans. She also told them how grateful she was that she had met Nibbler and now Charlie.

After pondering things during the next day Charlie had an idea. After they each ate a large bowl of stew, with new meat in it, the three went out of the cave to enjoy some Peppermint Hot Cocoa and five Lingonberries each.

“I know someone, two someones perhaps, who might just be able to help.” Said Charlie. “We call him Father Troll. The other is a human they call Santa or Father Christmas.”

Gizley wrinkled her nose and snorted. “Tell me more.” she said.

`It took quite a while for the two Trolls to explain the holidays, Yule, Christmasm their differences and purpose and the roll of two beings that most Trolls and Humans believe always know if any Human or Troll is naughty or nice. The concept was strange but after a while the Bearosine decided they could use that idea on her world and that it would be worth meeting with the two legends of myth.

Two days later the trio loaded into Santa Sleigh #2 driven by Charlie's best elf friend Eddie. Pulling the sleigh were four of Santa's large reindeer crew including Swiftfoot, Dynamo, Suzy and Sprinter. When Gizley saw the vehicle flying in, she was totally taken aback and wondered aloud how her skills could possibly top this type of technology that the previous team never should have missed. It took half the trip to explain to the 'alien' the concept and function of Christmas and Troll magic and how “Magic' was one of the Five Powers (Magic, Spirit, Tech/science, Nature, and Psionic) or combinations thereof that fill the universe.

The Ancients taught that this world was rare in that all five powers were almost equally present. Gizley was perplexed and amazed. On consideration she said her world was full of Tech and Science and an understanding of the forces of nature. But still flying deer, a favorite food of hers, and no rockets on a sleigh that had the capacity to lift and carry her 'pod' strapped by simple ropes to the bottom of the 'craft' was very strange. She tried to imagine what her superiors would say if she included all this detail in her report when she returned. Dutifully she 'recorded' it and stored it away.

After landing the sleigh, Eddie lead his three guests to the central building of the city. Some would call the unusual structure a palace, the home of the Cities leader, Santa Claus. But to those in the know, it was simply 'The Toy Factory' where elves worked almost round the clock to produce such toys as Santa would need for the upcoming Christmas. They also made items Santa could trade for things children wanted that the elves just could not make.

Inside they walked past rows of booths and tables full of busy Elves. Gizley saw other workers carrying dolls and rocking horses and toys of any kind a child might ask for for Christmas. Other Elves worked on dresses and denims and items more practical parents asked their children to ask for.

Standing in the midst of the hubbub on a raised podium, paint brush dripping red paint, stood a chubby human dressed almost totally in red with a long full beard and neck length white hair that matched his beard perfectly. The four waited as he handed the doll, who's lips he had just perfectly painted, to a waiting elf then stepped down to greet the group.

“Santa,”said Eddie smiling, “our guests have arrived.”

Santa Claus took a couple steps forward as he took in the eight foot toy like bear. “I am honored and perplexed at the same time. We do not get many beings from another world here on ours. Charlie it is most wonderful to see you and I take it you are Nibbler.”

Nibbler nodded. “I have heard of you Mr. Claus. It is an..honor.. to meet you.”

“Ho ho ho. And I you.” replied Santa smiling broadly. “Let's go to my home and have a treat or two and see what is going on. Eddie, take over here for a while if you please. You and Charlie can chat later.”

Eddie jumped up on the platform and tried to look Santa like as the others left the building and headed over to Santa's cottage which was located a couple 'blocks' from the central manufacturing area. In route they passed the Bakery, which is almost the size of the toy factory and they saw the Candy Factory nearby. Gizley was impressed by the organized and active level within the city. She wondered aloud, how her people could have missed such an advanced area of activity. Santa winked and said he might have an answer but otherwise was mum.

Nibbler, for his part, as he walked through the streets of Christmas City in silence, took it all in with typical troll curiosity. The smells, sounds and movement were not overly analyzed but instead were left to find their way onto the or rather into the pattern of life that filled the world. He was a simple Troll who, unlike Charlie, had not traveled more than a few hundred miles from his cave. Now his 'being' had grown to include another world, and in fact many worlds, existed. He had met one of the beings from the stars. Now he was visiting the home of a human who he had heard of when Santa was occasionally included in the tales of Father Troll and the Nissen. Now, Santa had also become part of his 'being' as had elves, flying reindeer and much more than the peppermint hot cocoa memories of the past.

His absorbing thoughts were interrupted as Charlie came to a halt next to an ornately painted door with three silver bells hanging from a hook mounted a foot or so above the perfect center of the door.

“Touch the bells.” Charlie encouraged his fellow Troll.

Nibbler extended one of his fingers and gently pushed the closest bell. Instantly the three bells rang out a melodic tune that held many more notes than was possible from what was seen. When the tune ended the door swung quietly open.

“Go in Nibbler.” said Santa warmly.

After a moment the young Troll took three or four steps in through the door that should have been too small for his size. Curious, he paused and looked around, he had never seen such a dwelling. Inside, his head was a few hands below the ceiling which looked like a layer of newly fallen snow. The entry hall decoration was mostly ornate wood furniture with bright red, green, gold and white cushions and pillows. The inside smelled of nutmeg and cinnamon and peppermint and cocoa yet his keen nose could still smell the basket of berries he had brought from home. The atmosphere was warm and comforting.

“Nice isn't it?” said Charlie moving next to him in the middle of the hall.

Nibbler nodded as he watched Gizley, who was still standing outside, The alien bear was looking down at her belly then at the door. She did this twice as Santa encouraged her to just walk in. When she did, she fit perfectly through the door as if it were made just for her height and girth. At that moment Nibbler realized it had done the same for him.

“Christmas magic.” said Charlie smiling. “It's quite wonderful. Now let's go enjoy a bit of food. Father Troll will be here when we are done.”

“Follow me.” exclaimed Santa inadvertently cutting off Nibbler's questions. “You are about to taste the best fruited porridge, cream and yule breads you have ever tasted.”

Santa was correct, Nibbler had never tasted such a delicious porridge. He had filled his extraordinary first portion with additional handfuls of nuts, fresh and dried fruits and even a bunch of his precious lingonberries which he also shared with others. The honey and sweet cream concoction flowed to every fiber of his being warming and filling him with revitalizing goodness. He ate a second bowl and then a third. He was certain he had found the perfect meal and he noticed that the others felt the same as conversation lagged as everyone focused on eating. When they were through they retired to the parlor where in moments they were all snoozing comfortably on the simple but well cushioned furniture. When Mrs. Claus came in to see how things were doing she simply shook her head, gently gathered her husband and left everyone as they were. She told the elves to worry about clean up in the morning. She also asked them to be certain refreshment facilities and a hardy breakfast were available when they awoke.

When they finally awoke, all at the same time in the late morning they were surprised to see Eddie sitting finishing a cup of cocoa. Sitting next to him, with an even larger mug, was Father Troll who smiled as he took a gulp of his mint smelling brew.

“'Bout time.” said Eddie with chuckle. “We were thinking we would have to clean up breakfast and set for lunch.”

Charlie laughed. 'Give us a few moments and we will clean up the table contents for you.

When they were finished Santa began to question Gizley on her reasons for being on 'his world' and a bit about her culture. Nibble was surprised. He never would have thought of asking such questions nor did he understand many of the answers. How Santa knew to even ask such things and how he understood the replies was a mystery to the Troll. Nibbler watched Charlie for clues but for the most part his friend just sat silently listening, only twice asking questions for his clarification.

By mid-afternoon the talkative group needed a break. Nibbler now knew better why Gizley and her kind had chosen Earth (as he now knew this 'world' was called) and why they had selected humans as the recipients of their planned 'assistance'. He had learned more about humans than he really cared to know. He also understood more about the day that Santa said 'love came to stay' which he learned was now referred to as Christmas. In addition he'd learned why Gizley had not wanted to work with the humans and why she feared them in some way she could not really explain. He was excited how willingly she had learned about the Trolls and their world.

The sound or feeling that struck Christmas City was something only one being, at that moment, on the planet, had ever experienced.

Silence can be a terrifying sound and as the sound vanished, gentle vibrations began. Gizley glanced skyward then motioned for the others to follow as she 'gallumped' to where they had left her life pod. As they moved the buildings of the city emptied as elves and deer poured out to see what was happening.

Suddenly she came to a dead stop. “That is not one of our ships!”

Above them the bottom of a copper toned ship with very few lights dropped into sight.

“How did they find the city?” Eddie wondered aloud as he and Santa stopped next to Gizley. “What do we do?”

“That ship resembles pirate ships that trouble our industry and trade efforts We have been fighting them off for as long as I have lived.” she explained starting again toward her craft.

As she opened the hatch she half expected the craft to erupt with flashing alarms about danger but it was totally silent. She opened a 'cabinet' and took out two items that looked like they would slip over her paws. When she explained that they were her only weapons Santa shook his head and asked her to put them back.

“They are not what we need.” he said looking serious for the first time since they had met.

Reluctantly she put them back and quietly followed Santa and the others to Christmas Square at the very heart of the city. This spot, was reputed to have the 'real' North Pole at it's heart.

Around them the air seemed to tingle as the alien pirate ship eased into position. Elf folk and reindeer moved into the central square where Santa stood quietly next to Father Troll atop the 'pole'. Gizley moved close to Nibbler who pointed out the loose formation of Elvin circles that was forming with Santa and Father Troll as the center point. Nothing was said as each being seemed to act at a level beyond the senses.

Above them the mysterious ship came to halt directly over the center of the city. Everyone , now assembled, could sense the malevolent hauntings from above.

For a moment Mother Earth seemed to take a deep, cleansing breath as the forces of life prepared to confront the unknown. Charlie motioned for Troll and 'Orsoid' to join him and help him form the points of a perfect triangle around Santa and Father Troll. Mrs. Claus, to Nibbler's surprise bustled out and helped her husband and their Troll friend form a smaller 'equilateral' within Nibbler's 'formation'.

The protective aura that hid the city from prying eyes dispersed and arctic snows swirled and blew reaching up to touch the great starship above them. The air grew cold and bits and pieces of light broke from the ships luminescence and fell, shattering as they hit the packed snow in the square. Yet, not one soul on the ground felt even the slightest bite of cold.

“We wish you no harm.” said Santa looking upward at the ship.

To Nibbler, the”Jolly Old Elf' seemed to have a slight red and green twinkling star like aura surrounding him. Father Troll also seemed to glow as did Mrs. Claus and for the first time the young Troll fully realized the power of the 'Magic of Christmas'. He looked at his own hands and then at Charlie and Gizley who also gave off the gentle glow. The elves, who held hands in several concentric circles, with the deer on the outermost one, enhanced and expanded the magic as they, as Nibbler now understood, drew upon the combined Magics of Earth to to protect their homes and more as needed.

Santa looked up at the ship and spoke softly. “We invite you to join us or depart. The choice is yours.”

Nibbler looked over and saw Christmas Charlie nod and smile at Eddie, who was in the Elf circle closest to Santa. The Elf looked up at the space ship, shook his head and nodded back. The feeling around him bore no fear or animosity toward the 'invader'. Instead all he could detect was a total determination to protect their families, their fellows, and the planet from harm. As a result Nibbler felt much of the tension drain from his body as the magic began to flow into him. He glanced at Gizley who was looking very confused but steadfastly held her place as she seemed to grasp what was going on better than the young Troll could begin to hope. Something warm inside him began to grow.

Above them the ship seemed to shudder and Nibbler found himself standing on board the ship along with all those within the second circle of Elves. He could still sense the warm and protective link of the circles even though he could see only one but now it seemed the feeling had ensconced itself into the very heart of the ship's essence. Stunned 'alien to this world' beings blinked great dark almond shaped eyes in perplexed silence as the magic and spirit of peace and hope permeated life within it's sphere. Nibbler glanced at his companions and their faces wore expressions of wonder and for a brief moment the young Troll wished he had a mirror to see if he looked the same. Charlie nodded and directed Nibbler's gaze toward Santa and Father Troll who stepped out of the circle and walked to one of the strangers who they all knew was in charge of the ship.

What happened next could have taken days or heartbeats. Eddie, when asked later by Gizley, explained that 'it took the time needed' for the magically unifying Spirit of 'Harmony' to bring the two groups into sync. They did not have be 'as one' nor did they have to compete, all they had to do was reach an agreeable accord where Earth and Trayon (their home world) would benefit.

At first there was a lot of confusion and even some fear especially among the crew and command of the Trayon ship. Gizley too was totally bewildered and her manner showed how agitated she was as the air filled with the scent of a very nervous bear.

*** For a moment or an eon there was a silent and intense 'aura-matic' exchange as worlds linked in the realms of myth and reality where truth and trust can be formed. The Ship commander and his aid found themselves in the surreal realm of mind and magic with two Earth icons of giving and peace. They too were of peace but they were sure it came through subtle control. They had come to add this 'particular primitive planet' to their 'protectorate'. It was their plan to keep other groups away from the Earth until the planet was ready to 'meet the universe'. When they had noted the arrival of the Bearosine scout they tracked the occupant, much to their surprise, to the hidden polar city. What happened moments later was where they now 'stood'.

No animosity existed and the choices, freely made allowed the reality in hearts and minds to blend as time and space returned. From on the snow and from on the deck high above, a conversation began with the aid of technology and magic smoothly entwined.

Nibbler knew that what was happening was well beyond anything within his experience and so, in typical Troll manner, he watched and learned, something Father Troll was an expert at as well as Charlie. When the Tryon ship left two days and many feasts later two Elves and a Troll Couple left with several pastry recipes, three flats of Lingonberry starts retrieved by Eddie and Nibbler and the full method of implementing a 'day when love came to stay' type holiday patterned after Christmas.

In Santa's office sat two Moleculizers, technological energy-matter resequencers, designed to replicate items from the most basic of fundamental materials at the sub-atomic level. Two Tryon technicians were being set up in the guest quarters at the main house with instructions to train the Elf staff and Troll staff in their use after setting them up at the North Pole and inside Father Troll's Yule Cavern.

Nibbler had never seen a space ship much less watched one fly away. When the Tryon ship left the young Troll stood gazing into the gray clouds for a long time so he was the first to see a Christmas tree of lights drifting slowly down toward him.

“They're back!!!!” he bellowed as loud as only a Troll could when excited.

By the time the ship came to a halt Charlie and Eddie were in the square. Moments later Gizley and Father Troll and over two dozen elves had joined them. Santa and his wife came next along with a handful of Trolls and reindeer.

“That's one of our.....”

Gizley went silent and was gone in the blink of an eye as Nibbler felt his body tremor as everything went black. When he opened his eyes he was disoriented and felt a bit hyperventilated. Shuddering slightly he re-closed his eyes and thought of Lingonberries until the lightness in his head diminished. When he finally opened his eyes and looked around he saw Charlie and Father Troll helping Santa to his feet. Beyond them, through a weepy eyed fog, he saw Eddie and a couple other Elves helping Mrs. Claus unsteadily into her home. Around him other Elves and the Reindeer were in a variety of 'getting up' or helping their peers into upright or more comfortable positions. A quick and concerned glance upward told him the other ship was gone and that the protective storm was once again forming around the city. Nibbler sat up carefully and felt a wave of nausea that caused him to freeze. He would have laid back but, to his surprise Charlie caught him and helped him finish the action.

“Your discomfort passes faster if you are upright.” said Charlie. “Now let's get you standing so you can walk it off.”

“What happened?” muttered Nibbler as he teetered briefly as the rubbery feeling left his legs.

Charlie helped his newest friend take a step or two as he replied. “Santa had some strange words that I have no idea what they mean...but it means that that flying ship shot something that put us into an unnatural sleep. My head has never felt this odd.”

Nibbler nodded and instantly regretted it as he sagged slightly causing the smaller, at the moment,Charlie to groan as he kept Nibbler from falling.

“I do not like this.” complained Nibbler. “Is Father Troll okay?”

“Better than any of us.” replied Charlie. “And I think his curiosity about this sky or space stuff is pretty high. He is also very worried about Gizley. He felt 'stone' in her and that connection was telling him we are somehow of the same stone.

The two Trolls moved slowly to where the two icons were talking softly. As Charlie came to a stop he saw an Elf running toward them.

“The pod ship is gone!” he announced without preamble.

Santa shook his head. “I think we have seen the last of them. Has anyone checked the machines the Tryons left?”

The Molculizers were gone and though everyone agreed that 'technically' they were no worse off than before Gizley and the Tryons had arrived they also knew that they now held knowledge that few if any on this world had, namely that 'they were not alone' in space. There were more groups who lived amid the stars. Everyone was also worried about Gizley and sad about opportunities lost.

As Nibbler watched Santa start directing the 'return to normal' he could not help but notice that while everyone else, including him, were somewhat confused and disarrayed by the events and were working hard at digesting everything. The “Jolly Old Man” seemed to be taking events more in stride than anyone else. The young troll concluded that that skill alone, of remaining calm in the unusual, was why he was in charge of so much at the top of this world.

Christmas or Yule came and passed without even a shooting star passing overhead. Nibbler stayed on and helped, getting to know Santa and Father Troll as he traveled, with Charlie, between the two Masters of Peace and Joy in their 'worlds'. As he helped his small world expanded beyond anything he had ever imagined in his previous 'fjord-ish' life but when all was said and done he was glad to return home a few days into 'the new year'.

Charlie stayed with Nibbler for a few days and it was the 'santa-elf troll' who had pointed out that the basket of berries he had stayed so close to seemed hardly diminished from what it had been when they left all those weeks ago. Christmas magic, at that point, became part of him because from the day they arrived at his home the basket went slowly down and stayed down. On the day Charlie left, with a promise to return when it warmed up a bit, the basket was almost half empty. Nibbler gave him a bunch of the berries along with a couple large cooked fish and other treats to help him on his journey. After that, Nibbler lived up to his name and slowly nibbled away at the remaining berries for the rest of the winter.

To humans and many other groups the first signs of Spring are frequently ignored or missed completely. Nibble began planting preparation and final harvests immediately plus increased his fishing efforts while the spawning and other patterns were starting to change. Seeds and tasty fibers began to grow and needed harvesting so Nibbler stayed busy. At night as March passed and the night skies opened up a bit more Nibbler found himself looking up and wondering what happened to his friend and if she was even alive. He even went so far as to hope that each falling star was a sign of her return.

When Charlie returned in early April he was filled with observations of humans, progress of the tunnel under what the humans called the Atlantic Ocean and of course everyone in Christmas City and in Father Troll's Caverns. The two visited and worked and Charlie even watched and worked while his friend, at Charlie's suggestion ran and picked up three sprout-ling berry bushes to plant in his area to help his supply of his favorite fruit in a couple years.

The night before he planned to leave Charlie invited Nibbler to travel with him to a place named Mo-I-Rana to see the under the sea tunnel that was being built. The younger Troll declined explaining that he had enjoyed enough 'adventure' for a while. So instead of wondering what Charlie should take with him on his journey, the friends spent the evening eating and quietly watching the night sky for anything different.

Trolls sleep when they want but this night there seemed to be a wave of fatigue flow off the fjord and over the two Trolls. When they awoke they instantly realized that they were no longer outside in nature but rather in a place that smelled of polished metal and clean but lifeless air.

Charlie and Nibbler rose instinctively back to back in a defensive posture. The slight fuzz in their heads cleared quickly as they took in their situation by rotating slowly to look around. The room was bare but and held one door which was open slightly. Movement outside told them some 'one' was approaching. To their relief it was Gizley.

“I told them it was not necessary to take you down but the Captain is a pain with doing things by the rules.”

Both the Trolls looked puzzled.

Gizley chuckled with a warm bearlike rumble. “Do not worry. We will be at Santa's home before we can walk to the to where we get off the ship. The Captain thought you would be 'sleeping' a lot longer. Maybe he will believe me now.” Again she chuckled.

Nibbler was utterly confused by what happened during the next three days in a hastily build 'conference' building inside the town square of Christmas City but Father Troll and Santa had wanted him there. They reasoned that, at Eddie's suggestion, any agreement they came to would be workable only if a being like Nibbler could understand it. Charlie had agreed pointing out that his friend lived a basic natural life and held little if any background in complex issues. He was also smart and learned quickly in a homey, uncomplicated way. Nibbler simply agreed to listen and ask questions as needed.

The next three days were a blur as he listened to things that made little or no sense or for which he had no frame of reference. Words, names, and phrases like C.I.R.K, android, robots, Magellanic Clouds, modernization, multiverse, replication, mass production, tech-magic interactions and Twenty-third century were bandied about like a disturbed hornet's nest and mixed liberally with things he understood like factory, outer-space, children, help, Christmas, magic, energy, Trayons, and even moleculizer. Gizley did her best to find time to help him and others gain a handle on the 'going-ons' but she was frequently too busy having been given some kind of leadership role in all the doings and for some reason she wanted him there, so he remained.

Santa and others, including Charlie, who showed a better understanding than even Father Troll, asked questions. Nibbler, who was to shy to do anything else, just sat quietly, listened and mostly drank peppermint hot cocoa while still wishing he could go home.

After three days Nibble finally understood the idea that a group of Troll like beings from a place called the Magellanic Clouds, he learned there are two of them, traveled around helping what they called, 'developing planets'. He heard the group called Serk and that they were like trolls from another world. They had been checking on Earth (what they called this world) because there were a form of Trolloids developing on the planet, a group that recently had started to match the genetic make up of those Traws or Trolls from 'the clouds'. When they discovered the Trayon contact and subsequently the unexpected Bearosine (they called them TrawBearos) presence they acted quickly and removed all 'contamination' including Gizley. They did not remove memories because of Gizley's request and reminder that it could be done later.

(NOTE: Santa, Father Troll, Eddie and Charlie along with some of the Elves and a couple Reindeer 'got it' and Charlie and Gizley put things in terms Nibbler could understand. This account is written in terms Humans can understand and done with the help/recollections of Eddie and Charlie.)

Everybody knew that Nibbler had been the most worried about Gizley's fate when she vanished. He was comforted to know she had never been in any danger but it took a while to help him understand why she had stayed away so long. Gizley, herself, explained that the ship that had taken her was not 'one of hers' but was from one of what were called Colonies set up a long time ago. As soon as the Captain had talked to Gizley he tracked down the Trayons and thanked them for their desire to help and returned their 'stuff' and promised they would be contacted if and when things changed. The same was done with her 'people' and two more of those like her were recovered. After that they stepped back and studied and communicated and it took time. A plan was made and a ship from the Corporation of Intergalactic Relief and Knowledge (C.I.R.K) was dispatched and when it arrived Gizley transferred over to it.

From that point on things moved rather quickly. It was first concluded by all that, at present, the Human species was not ready to be advanced along technological lines. Still, there was hope because during their sojourn the alien visitors had observed a lot of things both good and bad on the Earth, including some events in an area they'd identified as upstate New York that showed promise IF the country did not go to war with itself.

It was also concluded that the majority of Trolls were still so caught up in myth and legend that advancing their overall scientific parameters and interfering with their nature and 'magic focused' ways was not wise either at this point It was finally decided that the best course of action was to remove all traces of extraterrestrial interference. Not happy Gizley and Charlie, after a rapid exchange of ideas, suggested a possible compromise that after some cautious discussion was accepted as possible especially if it were simple enough for the less sophisticated Nibbler to understand.

In the end, after listening to some very basic and simple explanations. Nibbler liked what he heard. He did not fully understand the technology of it all but because Santa and Father Troll seemed satisfied, that was all he needed to know to agree to the following three gifts from Gizley and the Star Trolls:

1) Development of a way for Troll and Christmas magic to work more in harmony with each other while factoring in a significant but limited influx of technology to blend with it.

2) Creation of a facility undetectable by Earth standards until the 23rd Century. It would be a Magical Enhanced Robot Toy Factory to be located, subsurface, between Christmas City and Father Troll's Caverns. C.I.R.K. would provide the robot/android workers/staff for the facility.

3) C.I.R.K. personnel would also train, supervise and then monitor the select group of Earth Workers for this proposed factory, full time, for a period of at least five years. Afterword they would fade to a supportive role while expanding or reducing groups, on site planet support and other inclusions as needed. It would also be up to the C.I.R.K. team to determine the upgrade schedule and local control level as warranted.

So began, in April of 1843, the process and program that over the next 175 plus years cemented the myth and methodology of Santa in the hearts and minds of humans on the planet called Earth. This event, coincidentally, also touched a spark that would open a pattern that would grow the human speculation about extraterrestrials, alien worlds and even trolldom.

The 'Robot Toy Factory' that started with that multiple galactic meeting among beings most humans still do not truly believe actually exist became a reality two years later. Both Santa and Father Troll provide workers to staff the facility. C.I.R.K. provided three dozen robots/androids of various constructs and purposes. Also the Tryon moleculizers were returned along with some other marvelous items that did what seemed to be impossible. Elves and Trolls were trained by beings from other planets with expertise in what they called Technomagic. Santa and Father Troll also understood the methods as well. Communication methods were also enhanced to help determine 'naughty and nice' levels to supplement the already established ways the two Christmas/Yule 'myths' used.

At the end of those five years all but a handful of 'aliens' remained including Gizley who felt that since she had 'started it all' she should stay on for the rest of her original assignment.

Nibbler did not stay to help with or even watch this creation and was content to return to 'his fjord' and Lingonberry bushes. Oh he got regular reports from Charlie who popped in from time to time and from Gizley who would drag him up on a couple of occasions to view what he had helped start when he first came to her aide.

It was on his third visit (and this time he had brought his precious basket of now 'home grown' berries with him) that he stayed more than a couple days. When he left this time it was to go home and pack so he could join Gizley on her next assignment.

Humans, if they believe, have attributed Santa's powers to a myriad of forces and factors. They have also all but completely ignored Father Troll and to all concerned that is just fine. They are quite happy with letting the humans exist in their world for at least another few decades until they are ready to enter the next level of their 'universal' progress.

So things progress and Earth spins on. Unknown to most of us, our progress is monitored and sustained by beings unseen who want us, as individuals and as a planet, to reach our full potential. This is especially true of a Jolly Old Elf and a Wise Old Troll who always seems to know who is naughty and who is nice among human kind and the realms of Trolldom.

A couple additional 'Reporter's Notes”

1) To this day Trolls and others transport what humans seem best at creating, waste, to the factory as a portion of the raw material used by The Robot Toy Factory.

2) Several other planets and systems liked the Santa idea so much they incorporated it or a form thereof into their culture. Now there are far to many children in the universe/galaxy for just one Santa to handle so he has developed a school that teaches those who want to use the ideals (and even the mystery) he has, how to bring the magic and joy of the holiday and/or season to every child, of any age, who believes.

3) There are now about a hundred Droids working at the factory which now handles a couple other planets toy production as well. Humans, as a whole, still have a few decades before they will be able to find any of those, Human, Elf, Reindeer or Troll workers, so, dear reader, PLEASE just keep what you believe from this 'story' safely tucked in your imagination until you find the right children and others to share it with.

4) Oh and I just chatted with Nibbler, who dropped by to say 'Hi' the other day. Naturally, I let him read this tale and like Santa and Charlie (who spoke for Father Troll) he said it was 'a fun bit of fluffy story telling that most will not believe'. He also asked me to add the other title about the berries because he told me that the last bowl of berries he took up to the factory never seemed to be emptied until he was going home to 'his fjord'. He also said that any time of year he went home he would always find those three bushes full and sweet and ready for harvest. He also thought we should know of that tiny miracle.

Oh and he said he was now a full member if the C.I.R.K. team and that he and Gizley (and her family) had a new assignment. I find that very fun indeed.

5) Lingonberries have a sour/tart/slightly sweet flavor and are eaten raw or used to make sauce, juice, jam, wine and baked goods. Lingonberries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and magnesium. Lingonberry extracts have several medicinal uses such as a component for cough syrups.

A Simple Lingonberry Jam recipe


2 1/2 pounds fresh lingonberries, 1 cup water, 1 cup white sugar

Step 1

Place lingonberries in a large pot with the water and bring to a boil. Boil for 5 to 10 minutes, and skim off any foam from the surface. Stir in sugar, bring to a rapid boil, and continue boiling for a few more minutes.

Step 2

Ladle jam into sterile jars, leaving 1/4 inch of headspace. Cover with lids, and screw on rings. Process in a hot water bath for 10 minutes to seal. Refrigerate jam once the jar has been opened.

Step 3

Enjoy on waffles, toast, or in a trifle or anyplace you would enjoy jam!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021


The Feast of Thanks and Peace

As reported by

Grandpa Martin

Once upon a time there lived an old troll lady named Hilda. She had long scarlet hair, the color of the brightest leaves of Autumn and so Fall was her favorite time of year, that is until Winter, Spring and Summer came along.

Hilda lived high in the mountains, her cave overlooking a large meadow filled with trees and beautiful flowers that seemed to last longer than any area around them. A small stream ran through the middle passing by the remains of an extremely old tree, a tall stump that was as big as some of the nearby pines entire circumference. Near this tree was a young pine tree that stood as if it had chosen that spot to be near and watch over the remains of its neighbor. The contrast between the two trees was one of the reasons Hilda had chosen to live here.

Every night, just after the sun set, Hilda would walk through 'her meadow' tending the plants, talking with the trees and whenever she could doing what she loved most, caring for the creatures of the region. The animals would come from miles and miles around, they liked the touch of her healing hands or to partake of the many wondrous potions and salves she had prepared for almost almost every occasion. Even the trolls who lived in the region would come to be healed or cared for if needed.

Because of this Hilda had many many friends and enjoyed a very happy life. Even Mother Nature, herself, would come and visit the old troll with the long tail, whenever she could. On some occasions the two would travel to other regions and areas where Hilda's special skills could be used of taught.

One day Hilda and her best animal friend Orsee the honey brown bear, were sitting next to the stream. Orsee was leaning up against the old tree while Hilda lay in the night shade of the young pine.

“We have so much to be grateful for.” said Hilda looking up at the cloudy sky that hid the moon and foretold of the storms that would come to the area soon.

Orsee grunted and growled his answer baring his teeth in a broad grin.

“We should do something before the big snows hit the area.”

The bear's stomach rumbled and he rumbled a soft hungry sound.

“A feast! What a wonderful idea! We could invite all our friends.”

Orsee again rumbled something that sounded like a question.

Hilda paused. “Yes I know my trolls friends like lots of meat but I believe that no creature should be in danger because of this feast. We can gather fruits, nuts, roots and vegetables and I am sure the bees will give of their honey. I can bake breads and sweets of all kinds.

The bear rumbled something then snorted loudly.

“Yes, I know it is a lot of work but I am an excellent cook and I have my magical pot that holds everything I put into it and cooks it perfectly. I will make the most wonderful stew. Maybe we will not even need meat.”

Orsee snorted.

“Yes, I know trolls love meat but I truly believe it is wrong to take any life for this feast. We will have to trust Earth Mother and do all we can to be ready.”

She looked at the bear who remained quiet but nodded in agreement,

“I want to hold this as soon as possible before the cold and long nights come but our friends will need time to get here. We can have the birds and the trees deliver the invitations and we will tell them it will be on the night of the new moon which will be in ten more nights. That will put it almost exactly between Solstice and Harvest's End. I think that will be perfect. We can celebrate with our friends and express to Mother Nature our gratitude for all her bounty. I do think we need to invite her too.”

This time the bear nodded enthusiastically.

Hilda grinned. “Then it is settled. Oh and we must remember to tell them to bring their own items to eat in or on if they want. We do not have enough food holders for such a large number of guest.

The bear snorted in appreciation that she had thought of something he never would have considered.

“Then let's get going, we have lots of work to do!”

Orsee growled and groaned loudly.

'Meat? Yes, we still do not have any meat but I am sure it will not matter. Let's get to work, we have a lot to do”

And with those words she was off like a shot preparing the plans that had filled her mind as she had talked.

A day passed, then two. The birds and trees reported that twenty trolls had accepted the invitation and they could not count the number of animals. Some of the animals were afraid because there were going to be trolls there. Hilda replied that there would be no animals, even the old and infirm, would not be harmed for the feast. She then waited for an answer.

In the mean time she began to cook. She dug a large fire pit and built a hot coal fire into which she placed her magical pot. She poured in over fifty buckets of water from the stream. As the onions, beans, carrots and tomatoes came in they went into the pot along with many special spices Hilda had in her cave. She added a barrel full of dried meat to the stock and then threw in several barrels of potatoes.

She, along with Orsee, also started baking pies and cakes and breads in the stone oven inside her cave. Pumpkins, apples, peaches and other fruits were turned into dozens of pies while dried fruit and nuts went into breads laced with honey and thick syrup from maple trees miles and miles away. Other vegetables and fruits were packed into barrels and laid out for random snacks and treats. Orsee helped because like Hilda he was an excellent cook especially in making the breads and cakes.

Soon the entire area smelled of fresh cooked or cooking food but there was no smell of meat, as Orsee kept reminding Hilda who continued to say nothing except that the feast would be wonderful.

It was late into the next night that Old Woggle, a huge Tom Turkey, came to see his friend. He had heard of the dinner and came to see if he could help his friend. The two had talked, joined occasionally by Orsee who was tending his oven, until almost dawn. They discussed the fact that there was no fresh meat and Woggle assured her that things would be as they should and that if no fresh meat was provided by Mother Nature then that was how it should be and that the the gratitude would be real and genuine no matter what food was provided.

Hilda was not so sure and worried, aloud, for the first time that without the meat for the feast it would not be perfect. She knew of animals who would give of themselves to fill the need and that by so doing their suffering and pain would end but they were few and she knew she could help them while alive and make any transitions smooth but not now. Not during the Celebration of Gratitude, as she now thought of it.

Old Woggle had agreed and said he honored her kind heart. He said he remembered hearing of times when Trolls were nasty, cruel creatures who hated the light and all things good. Trolls that destroyed rather than create. His ancestors had passed down tales of the gradual change and now here she was doing good.

“The Great Creator and His Earth know what you are doing so be patient and what is supposed to be will come to pass. Now you best get in and get some rest, you have a busy time coming before the rest of your guests arrive.

Animals began to arrive after two more days and were fed breads and small meals but for the most part they looked after themselves. The first troll arrived two days before the feast and from then on they began to trickle in slowly.

Hilda greeted each new arrival warmly and reminded them that this was a feast of gratitude and peace so the guests were invited to try to remember things they were glad they had or were grateful for.

The morning of the feast arrived warm and comfortable, a blessing from Mother Earth and, as Orsee again reminded her, still no meat. Orsee had then gone up to the cave to get the last of the pies and sweetbreads.

“What shall I do old friend.” she asked leaning against the old stump after he had left.

“Trust the magic.” the tree stump said softly.

Hilda leaped back. “You spoke?”

A pair of eyes opened in the old tree and a large knot became a mouth. “Yes.”

“Why? You have never spoke before.”

“Yet you have always treated me as a friend. My roots are still deep and Mother is coming.

“Will she have the answers I need? Trolls love meat. I know it is not really necessary to make a great feast but I want everyone to be happy. I do not want anything to ruin the feeling of gratitude. I have tried not to think of it and to be trusting but the answer has not come.”

“You have not done anything but hope. Actions are frequently needed to get answers.” said the ancient tree stump.

Hilda looked confused. “I was going to ask Mother Nature if she could help when she arrived.”

“Yes but she, like her creator, does not have to be here to answer questions. You are a troll and trolls are made of the rock of the Earth. You, above others, should know what can be done.” replied the tree softly.

“So I should ask for meat now and expect it to just appear?” asked Hilda.

The smell that filled Hilda's nostrils in the next second caused her eyes to shoot open as wide as all of outdoors. The savory aroma of Roast Turkey mixed with spicy bread filling filled the air.

Hilda turned around rapidly and to her great surprise and delight 'her pine tree' was covered with plump, steaming turkeys, hanging like great pine cones from the branches of the tree. The old cook ran two steps and carefully grabbed one pulling it carefully off the tree. Before she could bite into it another appeared in its place.

Hilda took a big bite (she's a troll after all, what did you expect?). The buttery, spicy taste melted in her mouth as did the next bite and the next.

“Orsee.” she called out, “come quickly!”
The bear lumbered out of the cave and was immediately hit by the smells coming from the tree that had been masked by the wonderful bread smells that filled the cave. Hilda was certain he made it to the tree faster than ever before.

“Taste one. They are not too hot. They are perfect!” exclaimed Hilda taking another bite which this time got into the core of the turkey which was filled with spicy bread and rice.

Suddenly she stopped eating. Looking up she saw a large number of trolls approaching from both directions of the valley. She recognized the two largest families of the region. She quickly put down the remaining turkey 'fruit' and ran forward hearing Orsee crunching the bones as he finished the lasts bites of his treat.

“Welcome friends!” she cried out in joy and excitement. “Welcome to OUR Feast of Gratitude and Peace! Everyone gather quickly around before we eat to express our gratitude for all that we have!”

Tears of happiness filled Hilda's eyes as she surveyed the crowd. In her mind she counted over three score trolls. (It was the largest gathering of trolls she had ever witnessed.) There were hundreds of animals, small and large, from a few hardy insects to a dozen large bears who had not yet hibernated.

As she stood open mouthed, unable to speak because of the joy she felt, Old Woggle came up and stood beside her as did Orsee.

“This may sound strange coming from me but my kind have been the food of all for years, it is part of our circle of life. We are honored that the Creator and Mother Earth chose such a universal taste to celebrate this day. Now I think it is time for you to say something and let these hungry critters eat!”

Hilda blinked as she focused on the crowd. For a moment she turned and looked at Orsee who grinned so wide all his teeth showed white and gleaming in the evening air.

“Please listen everybody!”

The crowd grew silent as one by one they seemed to sense the importance of this occasion Soon only the breeze rustling the trees could be heard through the entire meadow.

“Where is Mother Nature?” asked Orsee in a soft growl.

“All around us and in our hearts.” replied Hilda smiling. “But she is standing next to our new friend the old tree.

The bear said nothing but gave her a small nod. Mother Nature nodded back and smiled as she winked at the old tree stump who smiled.

“Go on deary.” said the old stump. “And thank you for giving the land the life that brought me back from my deep slumber.

Hilda smiled and then turned to face her guests.

“I would like to recite something I created while I was cooking. When I am done I want all of us to pause in silence for a few moments and think, individually about what you are grateful for. I will then need a few volunteers to bring down the rest of the food from the cave and the casks of milk, cheese, water and fruit juices we made. There is even several barrels of honey juice for those who like that. Orsee and Old Woggle know what to do so if you cannot get to me or hear me check with them.”

A rumbling murmur rolled through the gathering. The smells and their hunger made it hard to wait but they were wise and they were indeed grateful so they assented in anticipation of both the words and the feast.

Woggle and the others all stepped back leaving her some room so they could all hear her.

For a few moments more Hilda held her peace and then in a gentle, full voice began to speak and though not everyone there would understand the words they could sense the importance of their meaning and the greatness of the heart that spoke them.

Great Creator and Gentle Mother Earth!

As thy children we gather to express our gratitude for all your bounty.

For the elements that make us one

Fire that gives heat and prepares food.

Water to feed and cool all things.

Air that gives all things life/

Earth, the Mother of us all.

For the seasons and the cycle of life

Spring where the cycle starts

Summer where it grows and matures.

Fall where the cycle fulfills its path and gives its most.

Winter where it rests and awaits new birth.

We freely share all these and promise not to waste but to use all your gifts as ordained.

For the life giving food and this wonderful feast,

we say give our thanks and pledge to use the strength it gives to benefit all that lives.

May one of these benefits be peace to all the Earth and all that live within

and may we be vessels of that peace now and forever.

Again we express our gratitude for all your gifts.

Let us enjoy these moments of peace and silence.

For a hundred troll heartbeats there was silence in all the meadow. The auras of those present seemed to merge and the Earth drew on that power. Around the globe, for those few minutes, trolls and others close to the Earth sensed a change that would in the years to come alter the care and keeping of the world, all because of one Troll, a large feast and a bond that was created in those few moments of silence as the Creator and Mother Earth received the thanks and honor they would use to help their greatest love: the Planet Earth.

As for the feast, according to all who attended it was by far the most wonderful experience they had ever had and those turkeys, well let it be said they will always be remembered for their magical taste and appearance. Ever since that first feast, oh so long ago, the trolls and their friends have gathered every year since in the high meadow with Hilda, Orsee and repeated the Feast of Gratitude and Peace and though Hilda no longer cooks and it is Orsee's great great great grandson that does the cooking the troll world continues to enjoy the once a year magic of the 'thanks-giving' tree. It is no surprise that the word spread and the feast became a standard through out all trolldom and even though they did not all have the magical turkey 'fruit' of the first one great care was always taken to keep Hilda's intentions and purpose completely fulfilled. That humans have a similar feast held on the third Thursday of their month of November, is also no surprise, for we are all children of the same Creator and as such are charged to care for the Earth which gives us all sustenance.

And Snip, Snap Snout, this tales told out.